Annual Report
Download Disha’s Annual Report 2021-2022
Download Disha’s Annual Report 2020-2021
Download Disha’s Annual Report 2019-2020

Download Disha’s Annual Report 2018-2019
How can you help us?
Support us in building amuch bigger Special School& Autism Centre to meet the growing demand Sponsor a project / event
Sponsor a therapist/special educator salary Sponsor a child Donate mini bus/van for school Sponsor maintenance of the premises
Donate therapy equipment
Donate computers for school
Volunteer your time and skill
Help us in planning fund raising programs
Sponsor a student for diploma in special education
Important Announcement
Disha Trust, Vadodara as Admission Partner with a globally recognized Institution for Teacher’s Training announces Diploma in Special Needs Teacher Training. Especially suitable for working persons and professionals.You can complete it sitting at home. The duration of the Course is 8 months and minimum qualification required is 12th Standard pass. The medium of course is English.
On successful completion you can teach in schools across the globe and can work as Shadow Teacher in schools with inclusion.
Scholarship for deserving students from Low Income Strata may be considered on basis of merit (Scholarship 1/3 of the total fees).