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Together we can make a difference and bring a smile on the face of less privileged child with developmental disability
Your donation means world to them! Your generosity can make lives of our children with special needs independent, meaningful and productive
Disha Therapy Centre for Autism & Developmental Disabilities is a Centre of Excellence for Autism and other developmental disabilities.
Indian Donors may donate online to our State Bank of India Account Number 53036470880, Account Name: Disha Charitable Trust, IFSC Code: SBIN0030158 or by an Account Payee cheque to Disha Charitable Trust, 62-Sampatrao Colony, Alkapuri, Vadodara 390005. The donations are tax exempted u/s 80G of Income-tax Act, 1961. Get offline/online 80G Tax Exemption Receipts for Indian contributors to their postal/email address.
Disha is eligible to receive Foreign Donations under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) under Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Foreign Donors may donate online to our SBI, Main Branch FCRA Account Number: 40050494423 Name of Account: Disha Charitable Trust, Branch Code: 00691 IFSC Code: SBIN0000691, SWIFT Code: SBININBB104.
All donors may please advise their Full Name, Postal Address, Contact Number, Email ID and Pan Number (For Indian Donors only)
Do come forward to be a part of Disha’s worthy cause of serving the most vulnerable, neglected sections of the Society